914 831-0348
What form of payment does the online bookstore accept?
CW accepts Master Card, Visa, Discover and American Express credit cards and all bank debit cards through Pay Pal. If you have been provided a voucher for the current term by the college, you can indicate this as your payment type (if your balance exceeds the value of vouhcer, you will have to pay the excess charge).
Are there any shipping charges?
CW uses FedEx for shipping. We use a flat rate of $10 for ground shipping and $20 for second day air.
When will I receive my textbooks?
Once your order has been received, it takes 2-3 business days to process for shipment. It will take another 2-3 days for you to receive the textbooks, once the shipment has been picked up by Federal Express (FedEx). Do not use a Post Office Box # since we cannot ship to a Post Office Box #. NOTE that all FedEx shipments require and adult signature on delivery!
eBooks Connect SIMnet
If you are purchasing an Ebook,Connect, or SIMnet, at the Shipping Option select, "In Store Pickup" and your item will be sent to you electronially at no charge.
How will I be notified that my order has been received or that my order has been shipped?
A notification will be sent to the email address provided after orders are submitted.
How do I order the textbooks online and have financial aid cover the textbook costs (book vouchers)?
Upon check out, choose " Pay with Voucher" as your payment option.
What are the online bookstore hours?
The CW Online Bookstore closes between terms and re-opens again once textbooks are available for purchase. The CW Online Bookstore opens 2 weeks prior to each term, and once opened for business, is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, for approximately the first the 3 weeks of the term.
What is your textbook return policy?
Textbook returns are accepted during the drop period for any courses that are dropped during that term’s drop period, provided the textbook is in saleable condition. You will need a receipt in order to return your books.
How do I return textbooks during the Drop period?
You may either return your textbooks to the CW bookstore in person or you can mail them to the attention of the Bookstore Manager at The College of Westchester, 325 Central Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606. You must receive permission to return your textbooks during the drop period, prior to returning them! If you ship the textbooks by mail, you must ensure that the books are well boxed and protected to ensure no textbook damage as the result of shipment. All textbooks must be in saleable condition as determined by CW. If they are deemed not saleable, they will be returned to you. If you mail the textbooks you will need to enclose a copy of the receipt if you came to the college bookstore and paid for your book. Any shipment costs are paid by you, the student.
Do you buy back textbooks at the end of the term?
At the moment we do not have a vendor to purchase used books.
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
The College of Westchester is committed to responding as quickly as possible when a student has contacted us. Sometimes though due to the heavy volume of inquiries or the time of day the contact was made, it is not possible to respond within the same day. Please allow up to 24 hours to respond to your inquiry or request.
Frank RamosBookstore Manager914 831 0348The College of Westchester325 Central Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606framos@cw.edu
The College of Westchester reserves the right to make any changes in the Online Bookstore policies and procedures that it deems appropriate. The College reserves the right at its discretion to change textbook prices, fees or other charges, and to change required textbooks for courses prior to the start of the term.
Rev. 8-31-17